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About Dengue

Dengue fact

Saturday 3 October 2015

Top 15 most interesting facts

  • 1. Only really transmitted through mosquitoes.
  • 2. It has a skin rash similar to the Measles
  • 3. Infects 50-100 million people each year
  • 4. Any one can get Dengue fever
  • 5. The feet and Hands Turn a bright red
  • 6. There is no cure
  • 7. Not many Die only 1% of people have to be hospitalized
  • 8. They don't want you to take Advil like medicine
  • 9. Very few cases have been documented in the United States.
  • 10.Mothers who are pregnant and give birth while sick with Dengue Fever will share their 
  • 11.Sickness with their newborn child.
  • 12.This disease has a geographical spread like Malaria and has symptoms similar to the flu.
  • 13.It has three stages and each one is worse than the last.
  • 14.It infects 50-100 million a year.
  • 15.The middle aged has more of a chance of mild symptoms


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